What You Should Know About Performance Marketing & How to Get Started
What You Should Know About Performance Marketing & How to Get Started

1- Google AdWords Ads and social networks are one of the ways to increase website traffic.

2- In social networks to be active. Share your website content on social networks with a link and share the right hashtags. If your business is a company with the company, we suggest using Twitter (Twitter), and if your business is a company with a client, Pinterest and Instagram.

3- There are no specific formulas and standards for the success of content marketing, even if some believe it. So, set the length and format of the content to attract the audience. Short posts based on blog posts with long content, news blogs, as well as high-quality videos, and high-quality infographics can also be effective.

4- Use attractive and engaging headlines for website content.


5- Do not forget the targeted marketing email. Collecting useful emails from site users is one of the effective ways to create healthy traffic to the website.


6- Use targeted keywords on your site. You can use www.keywordshitter.com to select the appropriate keywords

7- Contrary to the opinion of some who believe that other anonymous or guest blogging time has passed, it's still a way to create traffic on the website. You just have to create a blog on one of the blogging systems and start writing and linking to your website. Keep in mind that guest blogging standards have changed fundamentally over the past eighteen months, and spam tactics can lead to heavy fines.

8- Ask others to comment on your blog. Comment below posts like double-sided street. As you write under the content of others in blogs or forums, ask them to visit your website and comment on your blog section.

9- Organic Traffic
Buy Targeted organic Website traffic is one of the factors that Google Analytics provides and refers to the statistics of your site visits through other links. If the intended visit is indirectly linked to the web site by using links on other sites (including banners, etc.), the visit statistics for which they are calculated refer to the referral traffic will be. Try to make a lot of links to your website.

10- Optimize site pages for search engines. 
- Define alt for photos 
- Create internal links - Define the 
content of the Meta description site 
for a little time and feel the effects at a time not far away.

The design and development process are important to follow a new project and can be effective in achieving the desired results for you and your customers.

As a designer, you know that your work or product requires your customer satisfaction. The goal is to be happy with the customer and, in turn, be happy with the outcome and timing.

 If you are a graphic designer, web designer, developer, having a system will help you get things done faster, in addition to organizing everything, proper designer / customer relationships should be formed. Looking for some fresh, new marketing ideas this summer?  Look no further!  Targeted web traffic is a brilliant way to ensure your content is being seen by your select demographic.  You select the how much traffic you want, the delivery timing and the geography/category and we'll do the rest.

1. Collection of information and needs assessment

One of the most important steps in the design process is collecting the information you need. Usually face-to-face meetings with a customer, a questionnaire (online or manually), or even a Skype meeting.

When collecting this information, you know your customer's goals and you can gather more details to focus on the nature of the project.

Summary is Important: Although it may be overtime, a design summary has two key benefits: the size and the work's comparison are determined, the project is embodied in your plan:

The information that the customer initially offers best results for everyone (especially the customer). Topics that can evolve in design may be slightly different, but there are several good starting points:

2. Research

After contacting the customer and getting a clear understanding of the work, now is the time for research.

After reviewing the information given to you, you can investigate. This usually involves considering competitors, market trends, product / service distinctions, business and future. This stage is not usually of interest to designers, but it is ultimately worth it. Nothing is worse than creating a beautiful logo that you discover is like a competitor's logo. Get rewards from the time you do research, trust me.

It is recommended that you get 50% design cost per step

3. Strategy

This step may vary depending on the scale of your project, but it's best to define a strategy before using pencil and paper. How? Through, the analysis of the collected research and decision making about the design criteria and performance.

4. Develop and define the original design

When you have a clear strategy, the idea is to create the first designer after creating the concepts of the initial design based on the strategy of starting to develop. Development can be done through a variety of tools that are determined by the project manager based on the project scale. Use the following tools to develop the design:

Mentally Draw: A diagram used to express words, ideas, and tasks related to your central idea. Use the Storm Brainstorming approach to plan and organize tasks.

Storyboarding: In order to preview the image, animation, and so on

Free writing: A great way to get team ideas

Create layouts: layout, play with color schemes and typography.

5. Presentation / Modification

It is often provided with an initial PDF design file. Now the customer is working on reviewing designs and providing feedback based on the goals and needs of his or her audience. At this stage, the designer agrees to change the elements according to the customer's request   for design.

6. Production / Launch

The designer, at this stage, will complete the finished piece in the final design in all shipping formats. It may include print and web. Depending on the project and / or media, the timing and delivery model are different

7. Completed


You can now notify your customer for the remaining 50% of the remaining bill. With a comprehensive process for completing a design project, you not only create a closer relationship with your customer, but also make them something memorable. Friendly design will bring fresh and active customer and keeps all customer for visit all details you offer in website and there is another way to keep visitors in your fresh website and boost your Google ranking by buy website traffic. And, another bonus that comes with the Real Human Website Traffic is that it will improve your SEO and Alexa Ranking.